
Steel Roofing

Steel Roofing

Traditionally, steel roofing has been primarily for commercial, industrial and farm uses; however, we are seeing it used more and more in residential areas. Depending on the product you go with, you may pay more to initially install a steel roof than you would with traditional shingle installations, but you make up for it down the road with tremendous savings in repair and maintenance costs – not to mention the increased value of your home. Considered by most building manufacturers to be non-combustible, durable and maintenance free, todays steel roofs are definitely practical and economical for your residential project.

Perfect for resisting one of the world’s harshest climates and most extreme variations of temperature, steel roofing panels are made to withstand torrential rains, blowing snow, freezing rain and strong winds, to resist punctures from falling branches and flying debris, and to take the punishment of the baking hot summer sun. With fewer joints than conventional roofing materials, steel roofing is definitely a worry-free long-lasting roofing solution. Under normal conditions, steel panels resist chipping, cracking, peeling and perforating for 40 years. While steel roofing will age and probably lose its original shine eventually, it can be easily repainted and brought back to new life for many extra years.

Steel Roof and Siding

Steel Roof and Siding

With steel roofing, snow never builds up, sliding off the roof when the weather turns milder, preventing leaks from melting snow and ice buildup, which is (in other roofing products) where the majority of leaks occur when there has been no damage to the roof itself. This prevents heavy snow loads and collapsing roofs – you won’t have to come out in the middle of Winter to shovel the snow from your roof any more!

Steel roofs are highly energy efficient. Your steel roof will reflect heat effectively to reduce cooling loads in the summer and insulate your home in the winter. You will see immediate savings on your monthly utility bills while, at the same time, contributing to the overall well being of the environment.

It’s important for your home to look good. Steel roofing materials come in a variety of colours and styles that will ensure your home will always look its best. Discuss your project today with one of our team members, we want to provide you with the perfect solution for your home, farm, or business based on your needs.

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